POLICIESDirecting All Designated Establishments Under Commercial, Industrial And Transport Sectors To Submit Energy Consumption Reports
Memorandum Circular No. Mc2020-05-0001
Signed on May 13, 2020
Commercial, Industrial, and Transport sectors are the top energy-consuming sectors. Machines, vehicles, and infrastructures are the prime movers of these sectors. The building block of the Commercial Sector is its building facilities and manpower. Most of its energy consumption comes from building ventilation systems, and machines such as generator sets, pumps, and water heaters, among other equipment. The Industrial Sector, on the other hand, relies heavily on machinery and system design to deliver their desired output. The majority of the Industries have fully automated systems, thus making it a more energy-intensive sector. Furthermore, the Transport Sector is a fuel-dependent industry. Though a majority of companies in this sector have their own offices, the majority of their consumption is the fuel consumed by their vehicles and fleets.
To have an impact on national consumption, the energy utilization of these sectors must be tracked and mitigated without compromising their respective outputs. The Memorandum Circular directs the submission of energy consumption reports from all industrial, commercial, and transport establishments consuming more than 100,000-kilowatt-hour these personnel actions equivalent energy annually.
The MC directs the submission of the Annual Energy Efficiency and Conservation Report (AEECR) and Annual Energy Utilization Report (AEUR) to the DOE by the 15th of April of every year for Designated Establishments (DEs) based on the following energy consumption threshold:
1. Type 1 DEs with an annual energy consumption of 500,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) to 4,000,000kWh for the previous year;
2. Type 2 DEs with an annual energy consumption of more than 4,000,000 kWh for the previous year; and
3. Other Type DEs with an annual energy consumption of 100,000 kWh to 500,000 kWh for the previous year.
All Designated Establishments shall submit the following requirements every 15th of April of every year:
1. A Duly accomplished Annual Energy Utilization Report (AEUR) Form. This is to monitor any ongoing and/or existing energy efficiency and conservation projects undertaken by the establishment.
2. A duly accomplished Annual Energy Utilization Report (AEUR) Form. This is to establish the base-year average energy consumption performance of the establishment.
3. A duly accomplished Registration Form on the name of the appointed/designated Energy Conservation Officer (ECO), Energy Manager (EM), or Focal Person. The appointee shall have the following obligations:
a. Manage the energy consumption of the facilities, equipment, and devices;
b. Administer the following:
i. Implementation and improvement of energy efficiency measures;
ii. Conduct of regular energy audit;
iii. Energy monitoring and control; and
v. Preparation of periodic energy consumption and energy conservation program reports.
All DEs are reminded of their following obligations under Section 66 of the EEC IRR:
1. Integrate an energy management system policy into the business operation based on ISO 500001 or any similar framework;
2. Set up programs to develop and design measures that promote energy efficiency, conservation, and sufficiency that may include installation of renewable energy technologies;
3. Set up annual targets, plans, and methods of measurements and verification for the implementation of energy efficiency and conservation projects;
4. Keep records on monthly energy consumption data and other energy-related data;
5. Improve average specific energy consumption by the annual reduction targets to be established by the DOE in the National EE&C Plan;
6. Conduct an energy audit once every three (3) years by engaging either a certified energy auditor or an accredited ESCO and submit an energy audit report to the DOE upon completion of the energy audit;
7. Employ a CECO for Type 1 designated establishments, a CEM for Type 2 designated establishments, and a Focal Person for Other Type designated establishments. These appointees may be chosen from within the organization or hired through external recruitment; and
8. Duly notify the DOE in writing on the appointment or separation from the service of their respective CECOs, CEMs, and Focal Persons within ten (10) working days from the effectiveness of these personnel actions.