POLICIESOperationalization of the Strengthening of the Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB), Support Services and Field Offices in Accordance to Republic Act No. 11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EEC Act)
Department Order No. Do 2020-01-0002
Signed on January 28, 2020
This Department Order shall establish the guidelines, rules, and procedures in a reorganization of the Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB) and strengthen the DOE’s support and field offices under Republic Act No. 11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EEC ACT).
The Department of Energy reorganized the following divisions:
1. Alternative Fuels and Energy Technology Division (AFETD) shall formulate the policies, plans, and programs related to alternative fuels and advances of energy technologies and manage the development of alternative fuels and energy technology programs. Mandated to formulate, develop and update the Minimum Energy Performance (MEP), Code of Practice on Energy Labelling of Products (COPE), and other related policies in support of the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan (NEECP).
2. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program Management and Technology Promotion Division (EPMPD) shall evaluate energy-efficient products and services such as the Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), to implement the system for the assessment certification of energy efficiency and conservation officers (ECOs), energy managers (EMs) and energy auditors (EAs), to develop programs on Demand Side Management and implement programs on EE&C for commercial, industrial and transport sectors. Also, to develop the communication strategy for public awareness on energy efficiency and conservation programs includes energy-efficient products.
3. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Public Sector Management Division (EPSMD) shall provide audits and technical assistance to all government agencies. Provision of technical support to the Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee (IAEECC) and identification on government energy efficiency projects and modalities on financial arrangements. Likewise, to prepare all reports for submission to other government agencies as required by the law.
4. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Performance Regulation and Enforcement Division (EPRED) shall spearhead the creation, maintenance, and development of the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Database (NEECD). Develop guidelines on Visitorial Power and on-site inspections. Also, mandated to conduct monitoring and enforcement of programs under the EEC Act, EEC IRR such as the MEP, COPE including the schedule of fines and penalties for violations.
Technological improvements can play a significant role in reducing carbon emissions and in lowering the cost of those emission reductions. The carbon intensity of energy can be reduced by substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency.
The Department provides advisory services such as energy audits to energy-intensive industries and establishments. This activity will help companies to determine the energy use patterns and to identify energy efficiency opportunities that will yield savings for them.